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Single Inheritance

In Java, single inheritance refers to the capability of a class to inherit properties and behaviours from only one superclass.             Single inheritance helps maintain code simplicity and avoids ambiguity in method resolution, promoting a clear class hierarchy. However, it limits a class to inherit from only one superclass, potentially restricting code reuse in more …

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Inheritance Types

Inheritance is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming that allows a new class to inherit properties and behaviours from an existing class. There are several types of inheritance: Single Inheritance A class inherits from only one superclass.Single Inheritance Promotes simplicity and avoids ambiguity in method resolution. Multiple Inheritance A class inherits from more than one …

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Inheritance Introduction

Inheritance is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming (OOP) that allows a new class, called the “subclass” or “derived class,” to inherit attributes and behaviors from an existing class, known as the “superclass” or “base class.” The derived class can reuse, extend, or override the functionalities of the base class. Key points about inheritance Code …

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Composition,Inheritance and Deligation

In Java, Composition, Inheritance, and Delegation are three fundamental concepts used in object-oriented programming, each serving distinct purposes in structuring classes and their relationships. Composition Composition involves creating complex objects by combining simpler ones, forming a “has-a” relationship. In Java, this is achieved by including an instance of another class within a class. For example, …

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Access Specifiers

Access specifiers in Java are keywords that define the visibility or accessibility of classes, methods, and fields within a Java program. There are four access specifiers in Java: public, private, protected, and default (package-private). Public The public access specifier allows unrestricted access to the associated class, method, or field. It can be accessed from any …

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Method Overloading

Method overloading in Java is a powerful feature that allows a class to have multiple methods with the same name but different parameters within the same class. This provides flexibility and enhances code readability. The main advantages of method overloading in Java are as follows Readability and Simplicity:Method overloading makes code more readable and simpler …

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Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a fundamental paradigm in the world of software development. It’s a programming approach that revolves around the concept of “objects” and provides a structured way to model real-world entities, their behaviours, and their interactions within a computer program. This introduction will delve into the core principles and concepts of OOP, providing …

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